Thermographic Breast Exam Screening

Thermal Imaging “Visualizes” Pain, Injuries & Disease Thermography is the EARLIEST detection for breast disease because the digital, infrared technology monitors the function of the breast tissue to detect abnormal…

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Mobile Thermographic Imaging

<img class=”alignnone wp-image-2404″ src=”×300 check over here.png” alt=”Full Body with Circles” width=”378″ height=”475″ srcset=”×300.png 239w, 395w” sizes=”(max-width: 378px) 100vw, 378px” /> Mobile Thermographic Imaging will be at  Lake Pointe…

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Cancer Prevention To Do List

Cancer cannot grow in a healthy body. Follow these 7 essential steps to keep your body healthy and decrease your chances of developing cancer. Each essential is evidence-based knowledge backed…

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