How to Beat Inflammation with Healthy Eating

How can healthy eating habits reduce inflammation? Most people are all too aware of the impact of poor eating habits on their waistline. However, few truly understand the effect poor eating habits can have on how they feel. Here is how what you eat can affect inflammation.

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is your body’s response to something that is causing damage. When you ingest a food that your body finds damaging, your immune system will begin to attack it. This attack leads to inflammation. Inflammation can manifest itself in different areas of your body. Some of those areas include swollen and painful joints, fevers, stress, fatigue, anxiety, and other aches and pains.

Foods to Avoid

There are several different types of foods that can cause inflammation. Processed sugars found in soda or many desserts are known to trigger inflammation. You should also avoid excessive consumption of saturated fats such as those found in red meat and cheese or trans fats found in many processed and fast foods. Other culprits include refined carbs found in white flour products, MSG, and alcohol. If you are struggling with inflammation, try reducing or eliminating these types of foods from your diet.

Healthy Eating Habits

Fighting inflammation isn’t all about eliminating things from your diet, though. There are several types of food you can add to your diet that will help further reduce inflammation. Let’s explore a few of these foods.

Fatty Fish

One type of food that is a great source for fighting inflammation is fatty fish. Some of the better fish to choose from include salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. These fish are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids decrease the production of molecules in the body that are pro-inflammation while at the same time increasing the production of anti-inflammation compounds called eicosanoids.


All fruits can lower inflammation. However, some fruits are better inflammation fighters than others. Berries are the best anti-inflammatory fruits. This is because berries have high levels of anthocyanin which is a nutrient that fights inflammation in the body.

Green Leafy Vegetables

The last food for healthy eating that fights inflammation is green leafy vegetables. Vegetables in general produce antioxidants. These antioxidants help keep free radicals from damaged molecules from producing inflammation. Green leafy vegetables also have high levels of vitamin E. Vitamin E helps to protect your body from cytokines which are pro-inflammation molecules.

If you suffer from arthritis, chronic pain, gastric issues, or other health issues, it is time to consider the impact your diet is having on your body. Healthy eating doesn’t only help reduce your waistline. It can also help you put an end to those aches and pains.