Treating Thyroid Problems with Acupuncture

Hormone imbalance is one of the most common and insidious medical problems people face today. These problems most often stem from a major gland, known as the thyroid. This gland works to regulate and produce hormones that govern the body’s various systems. Symptoms of a malfunctioning thyroid include emotional instability, sudden and dramatic weight gain or loss, menstrual problems, energy deficiency, and more. While treatments exist, acupuncture provides temporary and long term relief.

Complementary Thyroid Medicine

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two chronic conditions created by unbalanced thyroid function. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid does not produce sufficient hormones to regular the body’s natural functions. Alternatively in hyperthyroidism, it produces hormones in excess. Both of these conditions lead to a chain reaction of irritating and painful symptoms, affecting both men and women. However, they are most noticeable in females due to the interruption of their monthly cycles.

In order to balance out the body’s natural chemical balance, doctors often prescribe hormonal supplements. These supplements help by adding to or detracting from the thyroid’s natural production. Acupuncture works as a complementary treatment that doesn’t interfere with regular medicines. Those who suffer from thyroid conditions often face particular prescription restrictions that make it difficult to mix medicines.  Acupuncture is not only a safer alternative to additional medicines, but ultimately a less invasive option, too. It is complementary to hormone supplements. Acupuncture does not hinder the medicine from working, and the medicine does not hinder acupuncture.

What Does Acupuncture Do?

Because acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain, it helps alleviate the discomfort often associated with thyroid conditions. Moreover, it acts as a natural remedy, and does not introduce further chemicals into the body. In addition to managing symptoms, many doctors believe acupuncture treats the root causes of thyroid disorders.

A number of pressure points, used in harmony, help regular hormone balance. This process may require some trial and error, as each patient has slightly different body chemistry. However, the symptoms manipulated by acupuncture serve as a helpful guide. Additionally, it works to restore energy and plays a significant role in sleep regulation. Emotions and menstrual problems, two of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism, also come under the umbrella of treatable symptoms.

Since acupuncture is about balance, you will need regular appointments. These frequent treatments allow doctors to analyze how you react to particular pressure points. They can then adjust your treatment regime accordingly. The regular treatments also help retrain your body to release the correct level of hormones, which is the ultimate symptom of thyroid problems.

Acupuncture alone is not enough to treat thyroid problems. Traditional eastern medicine requires a number of additional treatments to balance your hormones. These may include dietary changes and regular doses of traditional herbs. Regardless which path you take, acupuncture works as a fantastic complementary medicine. At the very least, it treats symptoms. At best, it helps you recover natural hormone production. Even though acupuncture cannot handle major thyroid disorders on its own, it’s an important tool in developing better health.