Prevent The Holiday Stress

broken christmas ornament

As we get closer & closer to Christmas, there are additional demands on our lives. We must mail holiday cards, prep for holiday parties, decorate the house, set up the Christmas tree, buy and wrap gifts, and make everything perfect for the Christmas lunch or dinner. Some of this craziness can get us into a state of anxiety and stress.

So, here are a few tips to remember to prevent the holiday stress:

1. Prevent injuries when putting up Christmas decorations and Christmas trees. That Norwegian spruce is not as innocent as it looks. Every year, about 1,000 people are injured by their tree, usually while fixing stars, lights or other decorations to the higher branches, reports the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). Always use a step ladder to put up the decorations and don’t over-reach yourself.

2. Decrease your overall stress by shopping online or purchasing gift cards. In fact, I have a great idea for the gals in your life that have everything already – Give a gift card from Lake Pointe Chiropractic.

Holiday massage session

3. Stay connected, but not over-committed. The holidays are a great time to stay connected with family and friends. Getting together with loved ones and friends provides us with a great opportunity to relieve ourselves of some of our stress. Many of us, however, add to our stress levels by over-committing ourselves.

4. Stick to your Christmas shopping budget. Don’t get swept up in the seasonal shopping frenzy. Instead, decide ahead of time what you are willing to spend for holiday shopping and shop using debit cards or cash.

5. Set aside time for you. This is especially for moms! Because you are running around trying to fit it all in, you’re the last on your priority list and you’re exhausted by Christmas day. Plan to reward yourself with a relaxing massage before Christmas day so you can be ready to entertain and enjoy the holidays with friends and family.

We want to see you enjoy and participate in this holiday season. If you’re experiencing any pain, we want to help.

Call us at 770.974.5215 and come in to our office for a consultation with Dr Deb. We are open on Saturdays until 1pm too.