Fighting Carpal Tunnel with Acupuncture

Carpal tunnel syndrome isn’t an easy condition to live with. What’s worse, the longer you put off treatment, the worse it becomes. Even if the initial cause of your condition goes away, you may be left with irritating nerve damage that can hamper basic sensation and motor functions. The treatments are as scary as the condition, though, and the scars can last for many years. Fortunately, acupuncture and other holistic treatments offer significant relief to patients. Sometimes taking a different approach saves you a lot of pain.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The carpal tunnel is simply a passage in your wrist that houses the median nerve. When it works normally and without excessive stress, it creates no problems. Your hands work normally. If anything happens to that passage, however, the nerve stops functioning properly. The pressure often comes from swelling or injury caused by everything from repetitive motions to pregnancy.

When the nerve is under pressure, it creates numb or tingling sensations in the hand. Some patients even experience loss of use in their first three fingers. The effects of carpal tunnel syndrome interfere with regular work and leave many sufferers feeling frightened and helpless. One of the most common solutions is surgery, which isn’t a very reassuring treatment option. Even after surgery, it takes time for the damaged nerves affected by the syndrome to recuperate. There are, however, alternative treatments.

How does Acupuncture Help?

Some studies show that acupuncture not only treats symptoms, but actually reverses carpal tunnel entirely. Acupuncture is most effective in this instance, especially when paired with other holistic remedies. Even on its own, acupuncture possesses plenty of value. After regular treatments, many patients see demonstrable results. For example, they often experience higher nerve conductivity and healing in median nerve transaction areas.

Acupuncture has long been recognized as an effective treatment for the nervous system. By targeting specific points, a trained therapist can help the muscles and tendons in your forearm relax. This takes the majority of the strain off your sensitive nerve. Acupuncture also stimulates healing and activity within the nerve itself. This two-pronged approach alleviates a primary cause of carpal tunnel syndrome and addresses the lingering damage at the same time. Few treatments are so effective, and a few tiny needles in the forearm are vastly preferable to going under a surgeon’s knife.

No one wants to live in pain, and there’s no reason you should have to. Surgical solutions, the only commonplace remedy, always come with high risk and an extended recovery period. Even after surgery, it takes time for nerves to heal and full mobility to return. Acupuncture offers tangible results for not only the symptoms but the actual causes of carpal tunnel. Considered minimally invasive, acupuncture uses your body’s natural healing capacity to combat the effects of the syndrome. Acupuncture may require a few more visits to your treatment specialist, but there’s no recovery time. There’s also less trauma to your body, which means you can heal faster.