Best Foods to Combat Hypothyroidism


The thyroid manages everything from metabolism to reproductive health. Without this essential part of the endocrine system, your days will be bogged down with fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, and a plethora of other symptoms. Hypothyroidism is the kind of issue that introduces many patients to holistic medicine. Although most patients use artificial hormones, hypothyroidism is best managed in patients who make dietary adjustments. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best foods for patients with hypothyroidism.


Hypothyroidism actually increases your chance of developing heart disease. Fish actively combats a number of factors, including cholesterol, that lead to heart problems. Selenium, typically produced and contained in the thyroid, is an essential nutrient many hypothyroidism patients lack. Fish has tons of this nutrient, and it can substitute what your body fails to produce.


Do you like sushi? If so, this should thrill you. Even if you aren’t a fan of Japanese cuisine, you can find seaweed at many health food stores that you can hide in soups, salads, and snacks. Seaweed is very high in iodine, which your thyroid needs in order to work. When your thyroid is struggling, seaweed can give it the extra boost it needs to perform closer to regular levels. Some Studies suggest seaweed changes how you digest fats, which fights weight gain, another common hypothyroidism symptom.


Are you noticing a seafood trend yet? Oysters have high concentrations of zinc, another nutrient that helps boost thyroid function. Zinc works with your thyroid in a pretty unique way, and you’ll notice deficiencies through fatigue and weight gain. Visiting an oyster bar for lunch once or twice a week isn’t a bad idea.

Brazil Nuts

If you’re sick of the sea, try a small handful of brazil nuts. They have as much, or more, selenium than most fish. This option is especially good for vegetarians and vegans with thyroid issues who don’t want to compromise their dietary restrictions for the sake of selenium. Many doctors, including many practitioners of holistic medicine, believe these lifestyles are healthier than an omnivore’s.


Although all dairy products support your iodine intake, the best options in the dairy family are eggs and yogurt. Eggs have particularly high concentrations of iodine. Yogurt protects your thyroid, contributes vital iodine, and helps your gut. Many thyroid patients take artificial hormones that cause constipation or indigestion. Yogurt can help keep you regular and healthy.


High in iodine, these protein-packed legumes are great for those with hypothyroidism. They’re also a great alternative to fish for patients practicing vegetarian or vegan diets. Beans are a healthy part of any diet, but their unique mix of fiber, protein, and nutrients make them an exceptional food source for anyone with hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is best managed with holistic medicine. The foods you choose will have a greater effect on your body, and your diet will determine how well you manage your condition. Look for lean means with iodine, eat more seafood, and take time out for sushi. Hypothyroidism may play a role in your diet selection, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what you eat.