What is Functional Medicine and How Can it Help You?


The twenty-first century has seen a rise in patients who suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune illnesses, and they aren’t being fully treated with traditional Western medicine which tends to help ease some of the symptoms of chronic illnesses without addressing the root problems. This is where functional medicine comes into play. According to functionalmedicine.org, “Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership.” This means that unlike traditional Western medical practice, Functional Medicine is patient-centered rather than disease-centered. In addition to creating a more involved patient/doctor relationship, functional medicine also uses the most up-to-date technology and science to find early abnormalities that might lead to a chronic diagnosis later on, making preventative care fundamental for functional medical practice.

Functional Medicine and Chronic Illnesses

The above isn’t meant to discount Western medical practices for certain types of illnesses, but is instead meant to demonstrate the difference in care that a patient receives from a functional wellness doctor versus a general practitioner. Because chronic illness requires routine care, having a functional medical practitioner means you will form a unique and close relationship with the person who is providing you medical care. Functional medicine is not necessarily an alternative to traditional Western practice but should rather be seen as a supplement, one that can increase your quality of life.

Who can benefit from functional medicine?

In short, anyone who wants to can qualify for functional medical practice. The key is wanting to be proactive when it comes to your health, so you can benefit from functional medicine even if you don’t currently have a chronic illness. Much of functional medicine’s purpose is preventing chronic illnesses including cancer and diabetes. To fully benefit, you will need to commit to a lifestyle that includes taking a proactive approach to care by taking care of your body instead of relying on pills or a doctor to fix you or keep you healthy.

Lake Pointe Chiropractic and Wellness Center is dedicated to providing wellness to all of our patients, and we are committed to functional medicine as a way to improve your health and quality of life. Our lifestyle programs are centered around our patients, and each program is designed to address areas of concern and improve our patients’ lifestyles. For more information on how you can benefit from Functional Medicine, or to register for one of our lifestyle programs, contact us today.