The Importance of Taking Quality Supplements

Quality Supplements

On many occasions I have had discussions with patients about the benefits of supplements and why it is important to take quality supplements, especially today.

Again and again the same question about this comes to their minds. What is that question you ask? It is: “Why do we have to take supplements at all? Can’t we get our nutrients for a healthy body from the food that we eat every day?”

The answer to this question is a resounding “no.” This is because much of what we eat today is depleted of nutrients mainly because of the chemicals that are used to grow the food.That’s why all the supplements I recommend are raw vegan and gluten-free, so that your body can absorb their nutrients and put them to use. I veer away from generic brands that might use chemicals and false advertising.

That’s why all the supplements I recommend are raw vegan and gluten-free, so that your body can absorb their nutrients and put them to use. I veer away from generic brands that might use chemicals and false advertising.

Recently, The Washington Post featured an article about an investigation on store brand supplements at four national retailers – GNC, Target, Walgreen’s and Wal-Mart. The investigation found that many of these cheaper and generic supplements did not even have the herbs shown on their labels and instead contained potentially harmful allergens. Letters filed with complaints were sent regarding “Contamination, substitution and falsely labeling herbal products constitute deceptive business practices and, more importantly, present considerable health risks for consumers.”

Therefore, it is important to understand where your supplements are coming from before ingesting them. Advertising and product labelling can often be very misleading.

If you need help picking effective and safe supplements, feel free to come in for a complimentary consultation with me. I can look at the supplements you are currently taking and judge whether the right ones for your or not. To set up an appointment call (770) 974-5215 or by filling out our contact form here.

I hope this article was useful to you. Stay healthy. Live well. And take the right supplements!