Recognizing Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes has an impact on millions of Americans and is one of the only diseases that people are sent home to manage day by day. It’s important to realize that diabetes can affect every decision in someone’s life. Stand with us in November – National Diabetes Awareness Month – as we raise awareness about diabetes the natural way.

Did you know?

  • The most common type of diabetes is Type 2 Diabetes (NIDDK).
  • Gestational Diabetes, which develops during pregnancy, increases chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes (NIDDK).
  • As of 2017, roughly 23.1 million people were diagnosed, and another 7.2 million were believed to have diabetes yet were undiagnosed (T2D).

Type 2 Diabetes is preventable and the effects of it are reversible. If you or someone you know is on the cusp of diabetes or is currently living with it, join Dr. Deb for a FREE seminar on November 14 at Copeland’s in Kennesaw. Here, she will discuss the truth about Type 2 Diabetes and how you can take control of your health again.

Learn more and register now »