What is Holistic Healthcare?

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In recent years, holistic healthcare has been enjoying an increasing popularity in the United States, with nearly 40% of adults using some form of alternative medicine and/or holistic treatments. However, many individuals still know very little about these types of treatments, and therefore are skeptical of their effectiveness. If you do not know much about holistic healthcare but are interested in finding out more, here are just a few of the many benefits of taking advantage of holistic healthcare options including chiropractic care.

Prevention Focused Healthcare

Traditional medical treatments focus solely on treating specific ailments. Once an individual is feeling better again, the treatment generally ends. Holistic healthcare on the other hand focuses largely on prevention as well as treatment. This helps individuals to feel better all the time as they begin to learn more about what their body needs in order to remain in peak condition year round. A focus on preventative treatments then helps individuals to maintain their pain and disease free state.

 Whole Body Approach to Healing

While traditional medicine views ailments as individual items that need to be treated, holistic medicine sees the benefits of healing the body as a whole. Holistic medicine focuses on healing an individual through treating their entire being included ensuring that they are at their peak physical, mental, and spiritual health. It believes that finding a balance of health in the entire body will allow individuals to reach their peak healthy state.

Lake Pointe’s Holistic Approach 

Holistic healthcare is something we incorporate when developing a health plan for each of our patients at Lake Pointe Chiropractic and Wellness Center. We know that helping our patients to be pain-free is about more than treating a specific concern, but, in fact, it is about ensuring the body’s overall health. In fact, many patients are surprised when they discover than their chronic headaches were a result of a strain/injury in their neck or back that they did not realize they had. Thusly, it can be imperative to treat one’s entire body rather than a specific condition.

Holistic healthcare can be beneficial as it takes a natural, whole-body approach to health. Many individuals have found this to be more successful than other healthcare approaches. Contact us at Lake Pointe Chiropractic and Wellness Center to find out more about the many advantages of holistic healthcare treatments and how you can benefit from it.