How Your New Year Weight Resolutions Can Work

Worried about keeping your weight loss resolution this year? Maybe you’ve tried before and not met your goals, or maybe you’re worried about trying for the first time. Weight loss revolves around healthy eating and regular exercise, but changing your habits is hard. The secret to success is keeping yourself motivated, and we’ve put together a few tips to help you start the new year right.

Make Gradual Changes

Contrary to popular belief, healthy eating doesn’t mean you have salad all day every day. Still, getting rid of high calorie and high fat foods is a struggle. Don’t push yourself to quit everything cold turkey. Making small changes in your diet allows you to recognize small improvements. This is far more motivating than suffering overwhelming stress over unfulfilled cravings. Your motivation will ultimately decide your success, so it’s important to nurture it from the very beginning. Weight loss is a journey, and trying to skip straight to the end is not only unproductive, but actually unhealthy. Make sure your resolutions are for the long term.

Find Fun Activities

Exercise is a critical part of any weight loss plan. It doesn’t mean you have to buy a membership to a gym, though. While there are plenty of exercises you can perform with only your own body weight as resistance, it’s a good idea to start with non-traditional exercises first. For instance, dancing burns off more calories than walking, and it’s an upbeat social activity that works for many different fitness levels. If you like to walk or run, bring a tablet or other mobile device so you can watch your favorite shows as you develop your cardio. Just because you’ve left the couch doesn’t mean you have to give up television.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Starting on the right foot is important, but sticking to resolutions is the most important step of all. The best way to stay true to your goals is to set up safety nets right from the start. Share your ambition with family and friends. Ask them to check in with you regularly. Support can make all the difference. You can also discipline yourself to stay on track by setting up a benchmark rewards system or other motivational strategies. Buy a new outfit once you lose your first ten pounds. Go out with friends. Celebrate your success.

Another great way to keep yourself on track is to get rid of temptations before you begin. If you know you binge in potato chips, get them out of your house. Leftover Christmas cookies aren’t your friends, either. Stock your pantry and fridge with easy, healthy options that will help you form new habits and solve your hunger quickly.

Everyone’s weight loss experience is different. However, making gradual changes, having fun, and holding yourself accountable will help essentially anyone resolved to lose weight. New Year’s resolutions have a bad reputation for only temporary success, but with the right motivation you can change your habits for good. Remember to eat healthy, keep moving, and stay strong. This year has good things in store.