A Holistic Guide to Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Welcoming the journey of motherhood is a transformative experience, filled with joy and anticipation. Amid the excitement, it’s essential for expectant mothers to prioritize their well-being, and chiropractic care during pregnancy emerges as a valuable ally in this pursuit.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of “Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy.” From understanding the benefits and safety considerations to exploring specific conditions it addresses, this guide aims to empower pregnant women with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health. Whether you are navigating the discomforts of pregnancy or seeking proactive measures for a smoother journey, join us on this exploration of chiropractic care tailored to the unique needs of expectant mothers.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy


It’s no secret that pregnancy changes your body in very significant ways. Your growing abdomen changes your posture and strains your back and your pelvic balance and alignment are prone to change.

Seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy can relieve your back, neck, and joint pain and improve your posture.  A chiropractor can also help you maintain proper balance and alignment of your spine and pelvis, giving your baby a greater chance of moving into the correct position for birth and potentially avoiding a cesarean section.  During your visit, you will also learn safe stretches and exercises that you can use throughout your pregnancy to keep your body strong, healthy, and ready for delivery.

Explore how chiropractic care addresses common issues such as back pain, pelvic discomfort, and postural changes, enhancing overall well-being during this transformative journey.

1. Healthier Pregnancy Experience

When your spine is properly aligned, all of your organs will function properly. It can also help to prevent back pain, which is common during pregnancy. When the body is functioning properly, the mother is healthy and fetus development is improved. Have you heard from your OBGYN that you have to just live with the pain? The good news is, you don’t. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to eliminate pain during pregnancy.

2. Reduced Nausea Symptoms

Morning sickness is one of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy. Nausea usually occurs during the first trimester and can be difficult to handle. However, chiropractic care can help reduce your nausea. This is done by realigning your spine which improves the overall function of your nervous system. Additionally, this allows your hormones to become more balanced and reduces nausea.

3. Enhanced Nervous System Function

The hormones in a woman’s body are constantly changing throughout their pregnancy. This tends to cause sudden mood swings that can leave you feeling emotionally exhausted. With chiropractic care and proper spinal alignment, the hormone production will be better regulated. As a result, this will reduce the mood swings and symptoms of depression that many women experience during pregnancy.

4. Better Nutrition 

When the symptoms of morning sickness are minimized, you can eat more normally and receive proper nutrition. This results in less acidity and nausea, and a better appetite.

5. Improved Sleep Quality

Addressing discomfort and promoting overall well-being can contribute to improved sleep quality during pregnancy.

6. Pelvic Discomfort Relief

This is one of the most important benefits of receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy. Chiropractic care helps to reduce back pain and also ensures that the baby stays in the proper position for a safe and easy delivery.

When the pelvis is misaligned, it can lead to severe complications during childbirth. Receiving chiropractic care during your pregnancy can ensure that you have a short and safe delivery, and a quick recovery. Additionally, seeing a chiropractor can reduce the risk of a breech birth or C-section.

7. Optimized Pelvic Alignment for Birth

When a baby is not positioned headfirst during labor, it is in what is known as breech position. This can cause complications such as a difficult vaginal delivery, cord prolapse or C-section delivery. When you see a chiropractor regularly throughout your pregnancy, you can keep your pelvis in a healthy balance. This gives your baby enough room to move around and get into the correct position.

8. Reduced Swelling

Swelling is one of the chief complaints among pregnant women. Joints, especially ankles and fingers, often become swollen because of reduced circulation and the increased pressure your growing uterus puts on the major blood vessels. Massage therapy helps reduce the swelling by stimulating soft tissues. This reduces the collection of fluids in the joints and improves its removal by the body’s lymph system.

Safety of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby is paramount, and chiropractic care stands out as a safe option during pregnancy. The American Pregnancy Association endorses chiropractic care for pregnant women and explains that there are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy.  Leading hospitals, such as Mayo Clinic, also recommend chiropractic care to treat pain and discomfort during pregnancy.

Chiropractors utilize gentle and specialized techniques tailored for expectant women, prioritizing comfort and safety. All chiropractors are trained to work with pregnant women and will employ techniques that ensure your comfort and safety. These adjustments are designed to accommodate the unique needs of pregnant bodies, making chiropractic care a reassuring and effective choice for maintaining optimal health throughout the transformative journey of pregnancy. Always consult with healthcare providers before starting any new healthcare regimen, including chiropractic care, during pregnancy.

1. Gentle Adjustments

Chiropractors employ gentle, low-force techniques specifically designed for pregnant women, ensuring safety and comfort.

2. Adapted Treatment Tables

Specialized treatment tables accommodate the growing belly, allowing for comfortable positioning during adjustments.

3. Expert Prenatal Training

Chiropractors with prenatal training understand the unique anatomy of pregnant women, adapting techniques to ensure safety.

4. Avoidance of High-Pressure Areas

Chiropractors avoid high-pressure areas, focusing on gentle adjustments to alleviate discomfort without risk.

5. Collaboration with Healthcare Providers

Chiropractors collaborate with obstetricians and healthcare providers to ensure a coordinated approach to maternal well-being.

When to Consider Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

pregnant-woman-hold-her-stomachAs your pregnancy progresses, you may notice your body reacting in different ways. Sore feet and aching back muscles are some of the most common complaints. Navigating the changes and discomforts of pregnancy can be eased with chiropractic care. Consider chiropractic care when:

1. Back Pain Persists

Persistent back pain, a common pregnancy symptom, may benefit from chiropractic adjustments tailored for expectant mothers.

2. Pelvic Discomfort Arises

If pelvic discomfort or pain arises, chiropractic care can address these issues through gentle and specialized techniques.

3. Postural Changes Impact Comfort

As postural changes affect comfort, chiropractors can provide adjustments to alleviate strain on the spine and muscles.

4. Optimizing Pelvic Alignment for Birth

Considering chiropractic care becomes crucial for optimizing pelvic alignment, potentially facilitating an optimal birthing position for the baby.

5. Sciatica Causes Discomfort

Chiropractic care may be beneficial if sciatica, characterized by pain radiating down the leg, becomes a source of discomfort during pregnancy.

6. General Discomfort Persists

General discomfort, whether related to muscle tension or joint issues, can be addressed with chiropractic care for enhanced well-being.

Types Chiropractic Care for Expecting Mothers

Navigating the intricate changes of pregnancy demands specialized care, and chiropractic treatment tailored for expecting mothers stands out as a vital component for holistic well-being. In this section we aim to illuminate the diverse range of chiropractic modalities available to support and enhance the journey of expectant mothers.

1. Gentle Adjustments

Chiropractors utilize gentle techniques tailored for pregnant women, focusing on comfort and safety during adjustments.

2. Webster Technique

Specifically designed for pregnancy, the Webster Technique addresses pelvic balance, supporting optimal fetal positioning.

3. Pelvic Blocking Techniques

Chiropractors may use specialized blocks to support the pelvis, promoting alignment and relieving discomfort.

4. Soft Tissue Work

Techniques such as massage and soft tissue manipulation address muscle tension and enhance overall comfort.

5. Modified Table Positions

Chiropractic tables are adjusted to accommodate the growing belly, allowing for comfortable positioning during sessions.

6. Activator Method

This method employs a handheld instrument for precise adjustments, providing a gentle alternative for expectant mothers.

7. Drop Table Technique

Adjustments are performed on tables that drop slightly, reducing the force applied during the adjustment for a gentler experience.

8. Flexion-Distraction Technique

Involving a rhythmic motion to the spine, this technique promotes spinal flexibility and relieves back pain during pregnancy.

9. Side-Lying Adjustments

Chiropractors may perform adjustments with the patient in a side-lying position, ensuring comfort while addressing spinal misalignments.

Chiropractic and Prenatal Massage Therapy 

woman receiving a Pregnancy MassagePrenatal massage therapy is a specialized form of massage designed to address the unique needs and changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Conducted by trained therapists with expertise in prenatal care, these massages focus on providing comfort, reducing muscle tension, and promoting relaxation for pregnant women. By employing gentle techniques and considering the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby, prenatal massage therapy offers a soothing and supportive experience tailored to enhance the overall journey of pregnancy. Below we uncover what you can expect during your parental therapy.

1. During the Massage

Prenatal massage therapists make sure clients are comfortable. They usually encourage a side-lying position with supportive cushions which can prevent strain on the lower back and pelvic area during the massage. Extra strain in these areas can cause unnecessary stomach or back pain.

During the second trimester, you may want to lie on your back with a cushion under one hip to provide elevation. Your therapist may also use specific techniques to fit your personal needs. However, positioning may differ depending on where you are in your pregnancy. Some therapists may use special bolsters with a deep cutout so that you can lay face down. Others may have you lay on your side with pillows under your head and between your legs.

2. Relief of Symptoms

Focusing on the head, neck, and shoulders during prenatal massage therapy can help relieve headaches. Also, reducing stress through massage can reduce the chances of migraines or tension headaches. Muscle tension is relieved by increasing blood flow to certain areas of the body. Fatigue, back pain, leg cramps, and swelling can also be relieved through prenatal massage therapy. Furthermore, aches and pains of pregnancy are countered by the release of serotonin which is stimulated through massage. A massage can also promote a better night’s sleep during pregnancy. Seeking regular massage therapy will also reduce anxiety and discomfort which can lead to improved sleep patterns.

3. Benefits of Prenatal Massage Therapy

There are many benefits of a prenatal massage including improved mood and lower stress levels. It can also reduce prenatal depression and anxiety. One of the key benefits of prenatal massage therapy is the ability to lower the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight. Additionally, a prenatal massage can reduce swelling in the legs and feet.

Prenatal massage therapy has proven to be especially helpful during the second and third trimester. Your massage should be soothing and allow you to relax. Prenatal massage stimulates different gland’s in expecting mothers than in regular massage therapy.


As we conclude our journey through the realm of chiropractic care during pregnancy, it becomes evident that embracing holistic well-being is a gift you give not only to yourself but also to the precious life growing within. Chiropractic care, with its focus on alignment and balance, has emerged as a supportive companion for expectant mothers seeking a more comfortable and joyous pregnancy. By understanding the benefits, safety considerations, and the role it plays in addressing common conditions, you are equipped to make choices aligned with your unique needs.

As you embark on this remarkable journey, may this guide serve as a source of empowerment, helping you navigate the path to motherhood with confidence, comfort, and a profound sense of well-being.

Your body has taken on the miraculous feat of growing a baby inside of you. Pamper it because you both deserve it. Contact us today and we’ll set you up like you’re in heaven.