Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is an illness that affects millions of Americans. In 2017, the National Diabetes Statistics Report stated there were 30.3 million people in the United States living with diabetes. 90-95% of these people have type 2 diabetes. As a result of type 2 diabetes, the body becomes unable to properly use the insulin it produces. Factors such as being overweight and not physically active can cause type 2 diabetes. Here are some symptoms to look out for that are associated with type 2 diabetes:

Increased Hunger and Thirst

A common symptom of type 2 diabetes is extreme thirst and hunger, even when eating or drinking a lot. The reason for the thirst is because there is an excess of sugar in the blood. Because of the sugar, the body responds by extracting water from tissue, thus causing tissue dehydration. Additionally, the symptom of extreme hunger is caused by the muscles and other parts of the body not getting the energy they need because the body is resisting the insulin. The body signals that it is hungry in an attempt to refuel and gain more energy.    

Blurry Vision

This symptom can come and go or become a long-term issue in patients with diabetes.  The blurred vision is from swelling in the lens of the eye due to high blood sugar. Sometimes, patients can experience double vision or blurred vision due to low glucose levels. However, if the blurriness is chronic despite stabilizing glucose levels, the blood vessels in the eye may be damaged permanently.   


Fatigue can be a symptom of many different illnesses. Because of this, it is important to discuss fatigue with a doctor, especially if it is occurring with other type 2 diabetes symptoms. Fatigue associated with this disease can be caused by many diabetes-related ailments including high blood sugar, dehydration, damage of organs, or thyroid hormone levels.   

Darkened, Velvety Spots on the Skin

Type 2 diabetes can cause dark, velvety-feeling spots on the skin. These patches tend to appearin the armpit, groin, or on the back of the neck. The medical name for thesespots is acanthosis nigricans.  The issueis from high insulin levels in the bloodstream.

Cuts or Sores That Will Not Heal

People with type 2 diabetes can have issues with cuts and sores healing slowly. High blood sugar can prevent wounds from healing as they should. Type 2 diabetes patients need to do frequent scans of their body to search for cuts and wounds.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor.  Type 2 diabetes can be tested and diagnosed through blood work. To learn more about type 2 diabetes and how your chiropractor can help you through a functional approach to medicine, visit Lake Pointe Chiro.