photo credit: SalFalko via photopin
You are what you eat! The typical American diet is loaded with salt, sugar, and fat. So, here are a few tips to help you stick with that New Years resolution to better health:
1. Notice The Sodium
For a product to be considered low sodium it must contain less than 140 mg of sodium per serving. However, for a product to be labeled reduced sodium, it only needs to have 25% less sodium than the regular version. For example, an eight ounce serving of tomato juice contains 878 mg of sodium. That means that a glass of tomato juice that contains 658 mg of sodium (more than 1/4 of the recommended daily allowance of 1500 – 2300 mg) can still be labeled low sodium. Also, when buying low sodium soups, you need to remember that the sodium listed on the label is per serving, and most soups contain two servings per container.
2. Replace Whole Fruit For Fruit Juice
The USDA says that a one half cup of fruit juice is the equivalent of one serving of fruit. Great, you say! A good way to add more fruit to your diet. But think about what you are missing. How does a ½ cup of apple or orange juice compare to eating a whole apple or orange? Both juices contain almost twice the calories as a medium apple or orange. But more importantly, if you have just the juice, you miss out on both the fiber and the antioxidants that are contained in places like the skin of an apple and the white pulp and membranes that are found in an orange.
3. Buy 100 Calorie Snack Packs
The built-in portion control of a snack pack is a great idea. Let’s face it. Temptation will come calling. If you need a high calorie snack, portion control will prevent you from eating the entire bag or box.
4. Eat Yogurt
Yogurt is touted as a super food. Calcium is essential to good health and yogurt is a great source. But you need to be careful about which brands you choose. Your yoghurt might not be worth the consumption if it is filled with sugar. So, select a greek yoghurt option which has more protein to keep you feeling fuller and opt for a yoghurt without any sugar. You can sweeten your yoghurt by adding sugar-free, whole fruit and a touch of honey.
Choosing a diet filled with natural foods that are brimming with nutrients will kick start your metabolism and help you shed pounds easily.