
Lake Pointe Wellness Center offers a wide range of dietary supplements to treat certain conditions and to promote a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to reduce your symptoms the natural way!

Please note: certain herbs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and minerals should not be combined, taken with certain medical conditions, or combined with certain medications. Improper use of supplements can do much more harm than good, which is why you must consult with a Lake Pointe Wellness Center medical professional before taking any supplements. Lake Pointe Wellness is not responsible for the possible harmful effects of taking a supplement without consulting our medical professionals in advance.

Find the medical condition or symptom you are experiencing, and review the supplements we offer to help treat that condition.

Symptom or Condition Available Supplements
Headaches/Migraine Headaches Coq-10, Natural Calm, Inflammaforce,
Migrelief, Relief Tone
Neck Pain Natural Calm, Inflammaforce, Relief Tone, FYI Restore, Liga Plex
Low Back Pain Natural Calm, Inflammaforce, Relief Tone, Bio Freeze
Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow Bio Freeze, Inflammaforce, FYI Restore, Inflammatone, Relief Tone
High Cholesterol Fish Oil, Red Yeast Rice, Coq-10
High Blood Pressure Fish Oil, Osteopro Care, Greens
Cold/Flu Probiotics, Sambu Guard, Echinacea and Goldenseal, Vitamin C, Zinc, DHLA Nano Plex
Digestive/Stomach Problems Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Betaine HCL, Aloe Vera Juice
Sinus Problems Colloidal Silver Nose Spray, Probiotics, Lomatium and Osha
Constipation Natural Calm, Fiber, Vitamin C, Probiotics
Memory Loss Coq 10, Ginkgo Biloba
Insomnia Valerian Root, Melatonin, Natural Calm
Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Natural Calm, 5HTP, Ginkgo, SAMe, Chlorella
Menopausal Symptoms Black Cohosh, Puregesterone, DHEA
(possible supplement recommendation based on blood test results)
Pre-Diabetic/Diabetic Symptoms Consulin, Coq10, Cinnamon, Chromium,
Picolinate, American Ginseng


Nutraceuticals are pharmaceutical and standardized nutrients, most commonly associated with other dietary supplements. In some cases, they can be used as an alternative to treating chronic disease and illnesses. They are known to relieve inflammation, pain, delay the aging process, increase overall life expectancy, and more. Their potential nutritional and wellness benefits appeal to many of our patients who prefer to avoid pharmacological treatment.
Highlights of nutraceuticals:

  • Prevents chronic diseases
  • Supports the body’s everyday functions
  • Treats inflammation, allergies, and other symptoms
  • Modifies effects of diseases on the body
  • Increases nutritional health
  • Offers an alternative to pharmacology