Setting and Attaining Healthy Weight Loss Goals

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It seems like every time you turn around, there’s a new weight loss gimmick on the market. Whether it’s a self-help book, a rigid diet, or a ‘miracle’ pill, there’s always something new out there that promises to help you get down to the weight you want. However, most weight-loss pills and diet fads are ineffective, unhealthy, or even downright dangerous. The best route to take when trying to lose weight is the holistic one – taking the whole body into account and working with your chiropractic doctor towards a realistic, achievable goal.

Set Your Healthy Weight Goals

The media is constantly bombarding us with images of ideal body shapes: men with bulging muscles and six-pack abs, and women who are gaunt, waifish, and extremely thin. Since the bodies in movies and magazines all follow the same pattern, many of us (especially women) assume ours should do the same. However, the truth is that people come in all shapes and sizes and not all of those sizes are tall and skinny. Women need a healthy amount of fat for their bodies to function properly, and for most a healthy weight is a good deal heavier than what weight-loss ads would have you believe. Obesity isn’t healthy, but neither is it healthy to be underweight. The best first step to take is to discuss your goals with your chiropractic doctor to see if they are realistic for you or not. Not all men will reach the end of their weight loss journeys looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dwayne Johnson, just as not all women will reach theirs looking like Heidi Klum – and that’s okay. Find out what your own unique healthy weight looks like, and work towards that as your goal.

Take All Aspects of Health Into Account

Though you may be especially driven to lose weight, be sure to keep other aspects of your health in focus. The more you take care of yourself, the easier it will be to reach your goals. For example, an aching head or back pain may keep you in bed or make it too difficult to exercise – taking care of these problems with regular chiropractic care will keep you feeling good and help you stay on track. Make sure you’re eating well, not just eating less, and getting enough exercise without overdoing it. To avoid setbacks, talk with your chiropractor before making any drastic changes.

Be Kind to Yourself

The focus of your weight-loss plan should be on getting healthier and happier – not on desperately trying to lose weight. Allow yourself a treat from time to time, and don’t beat yourself up afterwards. Instead of punishing yourself for eating that piece of cake at your niece’s birthday party, enjoy it and be sure to make healthier choices the next day. Remember, moderation is the key to successful weight loss.

Reaching your goal weight can be a challenging journey, but were here to help you through it! If you want to learn more about losing weight the healthy way, give us a call at (770) 974-5215  or fill out or contact form here to schedule a complimentary consultation so we can help you get to your goal weight.