HCG Diet as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

HCG diet weight loss
If you plan to try the popular HCG diet, it’s important to do so under the guidance of doctors. At Lake Pointe Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we guide you on your weight-loss journey. Typically, the HCG diet plan is a 6-week program that includes three weeks of transition and three weeks of maintenance. It’s important to have the support of competent doctors who can answer questions and provide motivation. If you have tried to adopt a healthy lifestyle in the past but failed, the HCG could be right for you.

Enjoy Quick Weight Loss

HCG dieters often lose 25 to 30 pounds in only six weeks, although results vary. When you lose weight early in a diet, you are more likely to stay motivated. Although it’s still beneficial to lose weight over the course of several years, you might be the kind of person who prefers instant results. Our doctors will make sure you incorporate good nutrition and exercise habits as part of your new healthy lifestyle.

Take a Natural Approach

The HCG hormone is something natural that your body produces during pregnancy. The HCG diet is named after the hormone because it’s the additive used to fuel weight loss. You’ll also be following a low-fat meal plan. Many people report not feeling hungry while following the diet plan.

Avoid Rebound Weight

Some people go on diets only to gain back the weight they lost and more. The beauty of working with the non-judgmental and caring doctors at Lake Pointe Chiropractic and Wellness Center is that you aren’t there for a temporary quick fix. You are there to commit to a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life, knowing it’s not just about vanity pounds but your total well being.

Carrying extra pounds can be detrimental in so many ways. Overweight and obese people often suffer with back pain, hip bursitis and joint pain. Overweight people are more prone to all kinds of injuries.

Fortunately, there is a diet solution that could be the answer for you. If you are curious about how the HCG diet can help you get your life back, please contact us.