Breathing Relief: The Chiropractic Benefits to Managing Asthma

Asthma has become an increasingly common respiratory ailment in recent years, affecting millions of adults and children alike. As its prevalence has risen, so too has the need for effective treatments. Although traditional medications have been the go-to solutions, not all have proven to be consistently safe or effective. Amidst this health challenge, chiropractic care has emerged as a promising alternative for many asthma sufferers. This post will explore how the principles of chiropractic can offer tangible relief for those grappling with asthma and why this natural approach is garnering attention.

Asthma suffer

What is Asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by episodes of airway narrowing and inflammation, leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. These episodes can vary in severity and can be potentially life-threatening if not managed effectively. The exact cause of asthma is not fully understood, but it’s believed to result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

Chiropractic Benefits for Asthma Sufferers

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in 2022 there were 8.7 million adults and 6.2 million children suffering from asthma. These numbers have only kept on increasing. Recently, several medications have been shown to be ineffective or unsafe. Where then can an asthma sufferer turn for help? Several studies indicate that chiropractic benefits include relief from asthma symptoms.

Why Chiropractic is Beneficial

The diaphragm and lungs are both involved in an asthma attack. The primary controller of breathing is the diaphragm, which, in turn, is under the command of the phrenic nerves. The collection of phrenic nerves passes through the vertebrae of the spinal cord and the middle neck. If these nerves get pinched due to a minor misalignment of vertebrae (a subluxation), then the necessary signals coming from the brain to the diaphragm are compromised. The nerves can even die if they are compressed enough over a period of time. Chiropractic adjustments remove subluxations and free the nerves, thus helping to restore the normal operation of the nervous system. This can achieve a positive result with respect to asthma symptoms.

Is There Supporting Research?

There is a body of support, including case studies, and abstracts, indicating that chiropractic care is beneficial to asthma sufferers. One report, from the  National Institutes of Health (NIH), states that:

“After three months of combining chiropractic SMT” (spinal manipulative therapy) “with optimal medical management for pediatric asthma, the children rated their quality of life substantially higher and their asthma severity substantially lower.”

Another, from the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, reports that eighty-one children with asthma who received chiropractic treatment for two months experienced a 45% lessening of asthmatic attacks.

male getting Chiropractic Care for his back

Why You Should Go See a Chiropractor For Asthma

Asthma is a disease of the lungs and has become more common over the past 20 years. Many medical professionals believe that the rise in the disease is due to an increase in air pollution, changes in diet, and improper ventilation in homes. However, there are many ways to treat asthma, including chiropractic care. Here are some ways that a chiropractor can help with asthma:

Decreasing the Frequency of Asthma Attacks

Regular spinal adjustments can help to reduce the number of attacks an individual experiences. Spinal alignment allows energy to flow into a person’s organs through the nerves. A misaligned spine can cause problems because that energy is unable to flow through the nerves effectively.

Additionally, when a spine isn’t aligned properly it can cause damage to the spine. Through chiropractic treatment, the spine can be aligned correctly, which can help your lungs to function properly and reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

Air Flow Stimulation

Everyone knows how important lungs are for breathing, but the airway and diaphragm are important as well. If a spine is out of alignment, it can cause problems for both the airway and the diaphragm. Aligning the spine through chiropractic care allows the airway and diaphragm to move more freely. Furthermore, the stimulation can help to reduce the suffering that an individual experiences from asthma.

Strengthen the Immune System

It is common for asthma attacks to be caused by a low immune system. However, chiropractic care can help to boost the immune system. The immune system is connected to the autonomic nervous system through the endocrine system. This is how a spine that is out of line can cause issues for the immune system.

When a chiropractor aligns the spine, it can begin to have positive effects on the immune system. Additionally, this can cause a decrease in asthma attacks.

Works with Traditional Medication

It is also common for individuals with asthma to use inhalers and steroids to treat the condition. Chiropractic care can work with traditional medications such as these to decrease the frequency of attacks and reduce their severity. Furthermore, studies have shown that people with asthma who see a chiropractor can have up to a 70% reduction in medication.

An asthmatic individual who is treated by a chiropractor can also manage their symptoms more easily. However, a patient should never reduce or stop taking their medication without talking with their doctor first.

Asthma can be a great risk to your health. However, you may be able to reduce the frequency of your attacks by regularly seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment can also help to reduce the severity of your attacks. Additionally, you may become less dependent on medication when you decide to see a chiropractor.


The debilitating nature of asthma can significantly impact one’s quality of life. Yet, the insights provided here shed light on the potential benefits of chiropractic care in managing and alleviating asthma symptoms. Not only does it address spinal misalignments which may affect respiratory health, but it also complements traditional asthma treatments, enhancing overall well-being. With the evident benefits backed by research and testimonials, it becomes clear that chiropractic care might be the missing link in comprehensive asthma management. For those suffering from asthma, exploring chiropractic care might be a breath of fresh air in their journey towards improved health.

To learn more about how a chiropractor can help with your asthma, schedule an appointment with us for an assessment. Discover if chiropractic treatment could improve your asthmatic condition and your overall quality of life.

Chiropractic Care for Patients with Asthma: FAQs

  1. How does chiropractic treatment help asthma sufferers?
    • Chiropractic care focuses on the spine’s alignment, and the idea is that proper alignment might impact nervous system function and potentially benefit asthma sufferers.
    • Source: American Chiropractic Association.*
  2. Is chiropractic care a replacement for traditional asthma medications?
    • No, chiropractic care is generally considered complementary. Asthma patients should not stop or alter their traditional treatments without consulting with their healthcare provider.
    • Source: Mayo Clinic.*
  3. Are there any risks associated with chiropractic adjustments for asthma sufferers?
    • As with any medical treatment, there can be risks. However, serious complications are rare. It’s crucial for patients to inform their chiropractor about their asthma and any medications they are on.
    • Source: Spine-health.*
  4. How often should an asthma patient see a chiropractor?
    • The frequency of visits varies depending on the patient’s needs and the chiropractor’s recommendations. It’s essential to have a tailored plan.
    • Source: Journal of Chiropractic Medicine.*
  5. Can children with asthma receive chiropractic care?
    • Yes, children can receive chiropractic adjustments. Some parents report improvements in their children’s asthma symptoms after chiropractic care, though more research is needed in this area.
    • Source: International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.*
  6. Are there any specific chiropractic techniques recommended for asthma?
    • Various chiropractic techniques might be employed, and the approach often depends on the chiropractor’s training and the patient’s specific needs. Common techniques include spinal manipulation and soft tissue therapy.
    • Source: Chiropractic & Manual Therapies.*